Eating with the Seasons: Summer Edition

Buying Food in a World Where Options Seem Limitless

Envision if you will, a world where local, seasonal produce is abundant and easy to come by. What if all the food you ate was grown in your community, picked at the peak of freshness, and delivered to your doorstep?

In fact, getting fresh, local produce could become more normalized than it has been in decades. Local policymakers have begun campaigning for more money to be allotted to local farmers, demonstrating the importance of ensuring food security, especially if further disruptions were to occur on a national level. After these past months, we all saw first-hand what happens when the food chain is disrupted. Local farmers across the country are also reinventing themselves as online delivery direct-to-consumer businesses, embracing social media to connect with their consumers directly.

By opting-in to Eating with the Seasons: Summer Edition class, you’ll discover the benefits of seasonal eating while gaining inspiration to switch up your diet and start enjoying your food more!

Meet Kristin Allen, the Facilitator of Eating with the Seasons: Summer Edition

Hosted by:

New Path 2 Wellness

Learn to Love Your Fruits and Veggies

Most people don’t put much thought into how or where their food is grown, treated, and delivered to their local market. This makes sense because many of us are able to walk into any major grocery store and find pretty much anything we want, any time of year.

Unfortunately, when we create a demand for food that’s out of season in our area, quality is often compromised. When fresh produce travels a long way to get to us, it’s picked before it’s ripe and ends up lower in nutrients and lacking in taste. If you’re tired of being disappointed by the price and quality of the produce you buy at the grocery store, my Eating with the Seasons: Summer Edition class is perfect for you!

This is your opportunity to educate yourself about your food, get information that’s important to you and your family, and gain inspiration that you can bring back to the kitchen. By the time we wrap up this experience, I’m confident that you’ll be more knowledgeable in why it matters that your food doesn’t travel long distances to get to you, and empowered to pick in-season items during your next visit to the grocery store.

I Can’t Wait to Get Started on Thursday, July 22nd at 11:30 am PDT!